"To adjust / level the required pH during various manufacturing processes / operations” is the main feature of OLKLIN-PHBC. The product works as an alkali builder during various processes, particularly where acidic medium with low pH level create problems.
It is the product containing alkaline additives, specially designed corrosion preventive organic additives to inhibit corrosion occurred due to alkaline additives and other polymeric additives.
Property | OLKLIN-PHBC |
State | Liquid |
pH | >12.0 |
Density | 1.44±0.03 |
Color | Water white to pale yellow |
Odor | Almost odorless |
*Properties mentioned here are for general idea of the product. Actual product property may vary depending on application.
Product as per customer’s required specifications are also available.
OLKLIN-PHBC is a liquid formulation of which the dose depends on feed water quality and operating parameters.
Store in Cool & Dry place away from direct sunlight
35 kg / 50 kg / 200 kg HDPE carboys and drums