PHOSPHOMAN®-224 is an excellent dispersant for calcium-based deposits. HEMPA significantly improves the rinsing properties of washing and cleaning formulations. This is an enviro-friendly and based on green chemistry.
Phosphonates have been successfully used as additives in industrial water treatment for around 50 years. Building on this original application, phosphonates have opened up a very broad spectrum of new chemical-technical applications. This is mainly due to their multifunctional properties.
PHOSPHOMAN phosphonates therefore offer optimum solutions for a large variety of application fields such as detergents and cleaning agents for household and commercial use, industrial water treatment, as additives for oilfield chemicals or the building materials industry.
Phosphonic acid and phosphonates are fine water softeners. Phosphonate molecules are characterized by adjacent phosphoric and oxygen atoms: P=O-OH. They dissolve readily in water, are chemically stable (no reaction with other ingredients) and function also at higher temperatures.
Lime containing (hard) water contains Calcium salts. Positive ions like Calcium (Ca2+) fit perfectly into the charge division and 3-dimensional formation of phosphonate molecules. Each phosphonate molecule can encapsulate exactly one Calcium ion. Phosphonates removes Calcium ions from the water, so they cannot form Calcium (lime) scale any more. The Calcium disappears together with the phosphonate in the washing water.
Corrosion is oxidized metal. In the same way phosphonic acids and phosphonates soften water; they also have the ability to retain other metal ions. The phosphonates approach the metal surface and try to encapsulate the metal ions; the same way they do with Calcium. The metal ions are fixed in the metal; the phosphonates cannot detach them. But by gathering on the metal surface the phosphonates do fence of the metal against the oxidizing influence of water and oxygen. So phosphonates are anti-corrosive by forming a thin layer on top of metal surfaces.
This is how phosphonates fight scaling and corrosion. This is not only handy to protect (dish) washing machines, but also in other water treatment equipment. Phosphonates are therefore added to industrial water, heat exchangers and heating installations. Especially in open systems. Because water evaporates from open systems, leaving behind Calcium and other ions in ever increasing concentrations. In such systems the addition of phosphonates becomes even more important.
Their chemical stability also makes phosphonic acid and phosphonates badly biodegradable. Fortunately they are easily removed in water/sewage treatment. Therefore they are allowed everywhere.
Whether for the private household or large-scale industry, for the production of detergents and cosmetics as well as paper and textile products or in desalination plants and boiler / cooling water systems – where water is used industrially, our PHOSPHONATES are used. With their outstanding properties, they guarantee both cost-effective and energy-efficient results. In close consultation with our customers we create special products which are precisely tailored to customer wishes and requirements and consistently satisfy the highest safety, quality and environmental standards.
Under the trade name PHOSPHOMAN®, MAPL markets a wide range of phosphonates. The focus of the portfolio comprises eight different chemical molecules (ATMP, DTPMP, PAPEMP, EDTMP, HEMPA, MMBPA, HEDP), which are supplied in numerous different forms. Most of the products are offered as various salts e.g., Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), Ammonium(NH4+) with a different pH value or active content. With their OLKLIN range, MAPL provides optimum solutions for a wide range of industrial applications: these ranges from use in detergents and cleaning agents and water treatment in general, through oilfield chemicals to the cosmetics or building materials industry.
PHOSPHOMAN® phosphonates are the products of choice for use as high performance antiscalants, dispersants, complexing and chelating agents or as corrosion inhibitors. MAPL offers some phosphonates(like EDTMP) in powder form which is suitable for the production of the formulations with a solid dosages (like dishwasher tablets).
In addition to the standard PHOSPHONATES products, MAPL offers a range of specialties. Besides, the Phosphonates Division manufactures numerous special products and formulations with tailor-made properties for specific applications – the range is enormous. It ranges from oxidation-stable phosphonates for use in hypochlorite-containing formulations, through chloride-free phosphonate products for the stabilization of bleaches (or components of bleaching liquors) to special formulations, for example for systems for the production of drinking water by means of reverse osmosis
Our experienced team can advise and assist in selection of product for particular application.